Coping with COVID-19: Manage Stress/Anxiety with Yoga/Meditation

Event Details

Hindu American Foundation Webinar: Coping with COVID-19 - Manage Stress and Anxiety with Yoga and Meditation

Date: Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Time: 5:00 pm PT
Location: Online

Free registration on Zoom here

In today’s panic stricken climate, it’s important to use tools we already have to help us cope and find some balance. How can we use yoga and meditation to calm our minds?

Join us for a live webinar with world renowned Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Eddie Stern.

Featured Speaker

Eddie Stern is a world renowned Ashtanga Yoga Teacher. He is the co-creator of The Breathing App and author of One Simple Thing: A New Look at the Science of Yoga and How It Can Transform Your Life.  Eddie has a passion for engaging in a multidisciplinary approach to furthering understanding, education, and access to yoga through technology, scientific research, collaboration, and encouraging diversity in all aspects of his work. He studies philosophy, Sanskrit, ritual, science, and religion, and has a great love for music and art, which play a big role in his representation of yoga.

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